The Chomp and Munch Vegan
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
The Importance of Clearing Your Body and Life of Toxins
Monday, May 24, 2021
Creamy Cauliflower Alfredo Over Penne with Broccoli and Mushrooms
I haven't written on this blog for a long time, but last night I made a new recipe that was so fantastic, I just had to share it.
For those of you that don't know! I eat mostly whole foods, completely plant-based, with no oil, no processed sugar, and very low salt.
When I have ingredients to use up in the fridge, I enjoy making up dishes. And to be very honest with you it either ends up being some sort of noodle based stir fry or a pasta of some sort.
Last night I made a delicious garlicky alfredo sauce out of cauliflower and spices. I put it over a pot of gluten free penne noodles and added in some sautéed broccoli and mushrooms. It was extremely good and a great way to hide some vegetables for certain family members that don't enjoy them. :)
If you aren't a fan of mushrooms, no problem! The pasta was good on it's own, but you could also just add whatever vegetables you want. It would really be good with anything!
Okay so here's the recipe.
For the sauce:
1 small head of cauliflower (cut into florets)
1 yellow onion (roughly chopped)
4 cloves of garlic (peeled and left whole)
3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast
2 teaspoons of Miso (Found at whole foods)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
1 tablespoon of tapioca starch
1 cup unsweetened non dairy milk (I used soy)
black pepper
For the Veggies:
low sodium tamari
1 package baby bella or shitake mushrooms (sliced)
1 package of organic broccoli (cut into bite size pieces)
1 16oz bag of gluten free penne (I get mine from Trader Joes)
Steam the cauliflower and onion for about 20 minutes.
While the cauliflower is steaming, add the rest of the sauce ingredients to your blender and set aside.
Sauté your mushrooms and broccoli in a bit of low sodium tamari sauce.
Once the cauliflower and onion are done steaming, drain and add to the blender, blend until creamy and smooth and set aside.
Now it's time to cook your pasta.
Once the pasta is cooked, drain and rinse and add your sauce to the pot to heat it up a bit. Once it's heated, add the pasta to the pan and stir until well combined. Then add in your mushroom and broccoli mixture.
Serve hot and enjoy!
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Alcohol and Why I Don't Drink it

For those of you that don't know, I no longer drink Alcohol. I think I may have had a few sips of wine
here and there since my Leukemia diagnosis in July of 2017. There are many reasons why I have chosen to no longer drink alcohol unless it is added to cooked dishes.
Number One:
I am still on many prescription medications. I've been told by one of the pharmacists that I could still have alcohol if I wanted to, but considering all the damage these pills are already doing to my organs and my body, I'd rather not add another element to that. As many of you know, excessive alcohol use can damage the liver. Considering how much I have gone through, and the fact that I have had issues with my liver throughout my cancer and bone marrow transplant experience, I think that drinking alcohol is not worth the risk to my health.
Number Two:
Even if I felt safe drinking alcohol, I wouldn't drink it because I don't feel good after drinking. It's not worth the dehydration, the headache, or the feeling ill the next day. For some reason, even a very small amount effects me negatively. Even before I was diagnosed, I only needed to drink a small amount of it to feel an effect, and I'd often get a headache later.
Number Three:
For me, there is a spiritual reason to not drink alcohol. I believe that it lowers your vibration, meaning that it brings you down to a low space and makes you more susceptible to lower energies. Some people say that drinking helps them in their spiritual journey, if this is true, than all the power to you, for me, I really believe that it hinders me and is not helpful.
It might feel good while you are drinking it, but many who drink to much of it end up in a depressed and low space. It's not good to bring yourself to this space and stay there for a long time. Many get addicted to the initial high that alcohol brings, that little buzz that you get that gets rid of your inhibitions.
Number Four:
I simply don't enjoy it anymore and I've figured out other beverages that are healthier and don't effect my body in negative ways. There were many summers when my husband and I would sit on our back patio and have a drink and just chat, but what I realized was that I didn't need alcohol to do that.
So, what do I do for an alternative. Sometimes, I just want a nice big glass of ice water, but for those that don't enjoy just drinking water. Here are some other options.

Fruit Infused Water: My favorite fruit/Veggie infused waters are Cucumber Mint, Apple Cinnamon, and Lemon, Lime, Cucumber. You can try any kind you want. You just throw whatever veggies or fruit you want and then put it in the fridge to infuse and then drink it up within about 3 days or so.
If you want something more creamy, I have also been experimenting with making iced chai lattes. I do it the healthy way, by making everything from scratch, but if you aren't worried about all the sugar, I used to really enjoy Tazo Chai Concentrate with soy milk and ice.
For my healthy version, I have been adding coconut nectar, soy milk, chai roibos iced tea, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove powder, all spice, ginger, and sometimes a tiny bit of turmeric and black pepper and then I blend it to make it a bit foamy, then I pour it in a glass with a few ice cubes. It's not Starbucks chai tea latte, but I like it and it's way healthier.
These are just some drinks that I enjoy and love to have when everyone else is enjoying their beers or other alcoholic beverages on the patio.
When I'm out at a restaurant, I will usually just have herbal tea, or water. There was this one place in Florida that was all vegan and organic! It's still stands as one of my favorite vegan places I've ever been. It was called The Dandelion Community Cafe and if you are ever in Florida, you should go! Their food is amazing! Anyways, they had herbal iced tea, and they did a different flavor every day. I loved it!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Mini Chickpea Flour Fritatta Muffins
certain breakfast foods. Most of the items I consume for breakfast are on the sweeter side, things like muffins or breads. I've been on the search for something savory that is also delicious and nutritious.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Thai Peanut Ramen
If you love ramen, I highly recommend trying out this recipe. It's delicious and filling and comforting.
Recipe Link Below:
Thai Peanut Ramen Noodle Soup!
Chickpea Flour Mini Frittatas
On first taste, my husband suggested adding some sort of spice, which I won't do because I can't handle spice, but I told him he was welcome to add hot sauce on the top if he wants. He also said he wished it was a bit more cheesey. Personally, I thought these tasted great without anything else added. My husband also thought they could be a little more salty. So, I might add a bit more salt next.
After he taste tested for me, I decided to try dipping mine in a vegan blue cheese dressing I made the other day, and I'd say that added a bit more of the cheesey taste he was looking for. Other than that, I'd say, if you want it to be spicier, add in some hot sauce, or sprinkle some on top.
If you have access to chickpea flour, you could really use any veggies you wanted. These called for kale, corn, red pepper, and shallots. I thought that worked out as a good combo, but you could use whatever you have.
I highly recommend this recipe. I may have added more veggies than called for.
Make sure you have enough batter to veggie ration in each muffin cup.
Here is the recipe:
Chickpea Flour Frittata Muffins
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
How to Treat Lung Congestion and Cough at Home

Of course you should watch your symptoms and if they get worse, absolutely see or talk to your doctor, but in the mean time. Try some of these methods first. I, myself, recently had a sore throat and had heard that this was how the virus starts. Did I freak out? Yes, I'll admit I did a little. But, I spent the next two days drinking lots of oregano tea (known to be an natural anti-viral) and I drank lots and lots of liquids. After two days of this, my sore throat was gone. So, sometimes it's just a simple fix.
Here are some simple at-home methods to treat lung discomfort. I'm going to start with the most effective method. Start by trying an overnight ginger wrap. You may have to do this a few nights in a row, but ginger wraps are known to help remove phlegm from the lungs. Below you will find directions for making a ginger wrap.
How to Make the Ginger Wrap for Cough
- Grate or puree about a half a cup of fresh ginger
- Place in a strainer lined with cheesecloth to drain
- Spread on an old towel about 9-12 inches square
- Lay the towel with the paste on your chest as you are laying down
- Cover with another towel that is damp and warm
- Leave on for 15-20 minutes
- Rinse off with a warm cloth or shower
- Repeat if necessary
Homemade Ginger Root Tea

If you aren't interested in drinking tea, you can also put a drop of ecinacea oil and a drop of peppermint oil into a bowl of boiling water. You can then put your head over the bowl and breath in the oils. Or, if you have a diffuser, you can do that as well. Another option is to take a hot shower and put a few drops of oil on a wash cloth and hang it in your shower.
Another thing you can try is Eucalyptus tea or oil. It has been known to promote lung health and help remove mucus from the lungs. This is great for use in the shower as well. A drop or two is all you need as this has a very strong scent. I love a tea called Breethe Easy that utilizes this amazing plant.
I hope this helps! And remember, focus on what you CAN control. Find ways to calm your mind and do what you can.
Much love to you in these trying times!
The Importance of Clearing Your Body and Life of Toxins
Our bodies can only handle a certain amount of toxins. Once our bodies are overloaded with toxins we start to have health problems. These he...

We all know sugar is bad for us right? I mean, I'm not telling you something that's going to be this big surprise. You're not ...
So, my husband Chris bought a spaghetti squash from the store the other day, and I was like, "So, did you just feel like spaghetti s...
Disclaimer: I am not writing this to stop you from drinking alcohol if you so choose. I am writing this to tell you why, I personally have c...