Friday, September 15, 2017

Easy Vegan Spaghetti and Meatballs

I had a Chomp and Munch Lunch! I wanted something easy and
delicious. My favorite meal growing up was spaghetti and meatballs and I was craving it this afternoon. So first of all, I've found that all the gluten free pastas we have in the cupboard is not only gluten free, but has no animal products in it, which is so perfect. So for this pasta, I used a version of Gluten Free Veggie pasta, which is my favorite. I like the consistency and the different colors of the pasta and the fact that it adds a bit of extra vegetable to the meal. 

For the sauce, I purchased a simple marinara sauce from the store, making sure to check the label for animal products before purchasing it. 

For meatballs, I used a version of vegan meatless meatballs that I had gotten from whole foods in the frozen section. It is totally worth it once you cook them in the sauce, they almost taste like the real thing. 

I suggest this meal to anyone who needs an easy meal day or night. Feel free to add a side of vegetables to get some more vitamins and minerals along with it, but as a quick lunch, I think it's fine on it's own. 

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more vegan recipes! 

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